New York

Developing infrastructure to realize New York’s ambitious renewable energy objectives while safeguarding the environment and promoting offshore wind sector expansion.

Energizing New York’s Grid Infrastructure

Juno Power Express

Recognized as a vital Point of Interconnection for offshore wind, the LIPA Ruland Road 138 kV substation has been a focal point for Anbaric’s development efforts, supported by Hallen Construction.

Hera Power Link

The Con Edison Gowanus 345 kV Substation in Brooklyn, NY is an ideal position for offshore wind injection. Anbaric holds a prime waterfront site option in Staten Island for a converter station, doubling as NYISO interconnection site control.

Neptune Regional Transmission System

An undersea and underground power cable linking New Jersey to New York and providing 660-MW of power to Long Island Power Authority (LIPA).

Hudson Transmission Project

 A 660-MW underwater and underground electric transmission link between New York City and New Jersey providing power to New York City customers of the New York Power Authority.