New And Newsworthy

BOEM seeks feedback on offshore wind transmission line

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) in the US has published a ‘Request for Competitive Interest’ for the development of a New York and New Jersey Wind Energy Transmission Line. The project would act as an offshore transmission system to deliver offshore wind energy to the onshore electric grid.

Anbaric Development Partners, LLC (ADP) has requested a right-of-way grant to develop the NY/NJ Ocean Grid, but prior to reviewing the right-of-way application, BOEM must determine whether there are other developers interested in the same area. BOEM will issue the Request for Competitive Interest in the Federal Register on 19 June 2019.

ADP’s proposed project includes the siting of several offshore collector platforms (OCPs), each connecting one or more high voltage subsea export cables to onshore points of interconnection. Each proposed OCP would be designed to handle 800 to 1,200 megawatts of offshore wind energy, with the ability to connect multiple offshore wind projects and accommodate phased development within BOEM’s designated Wind Energy Areas.

In addition, BOEM is providing an opportunity for the public and interested stakeholders to provide comments on the ADP right-of-way request. Comments may include information relating to potential effects on the environment and marine habitats; geological and geophysical conditions (including bottom and shallow hazards); archaeological, historic, and/or cultural resources; and the multiple uses that exist in the area, including commercial and recreational fishing. 

Feedback received will be incorporated into an Environmental Assessment (EA) analyzing the potential impacts of granting a right-of-way and associated survey activities. The EA will include additional opportunities for stakeholders to provide feedback and additional comments.

If BOEM receives indications of competitive interest from qualified entities, it may decide to move forward with the right-of-way grant issuance process using competitive procedures. BOEM will continue to consult with the state task force and partners regarding the proposed transmission project.

Indication of interest in acquiring a right-of-way grant for the area requested by ADP must be submitted by 19 July 2019. After the 30-day comment period closes, BOEM will publish a list of the qualified entities that submit indications of competitive interest. 

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