Hudson Transmission Project

The Hudson Transmission Project is a 660-MW underwater and underground electric transmission link between New York City and New Jersey providing power to New York City customers of the New York Power Authority.

Project Overview

The Hudson Transmission Project is a 660 MW electric transmission link between New York City and New Jersey. The Project was designed as a new source of electric power for New York City customers of the New York Power Authority (NYPA), while providing significant upgrades and reinforcements to the transmission system in New Jersey. 

The Hudson Transmission Project began construction in May 2011 and was completed in June 2013.


The Hudson Transmission Project continues to provide electricity customers on both sides of the Hudson River with numerous long-term benefits, including lower electricity costs; environmental benefits with no emissions and upgrades to a former industrial site; and improved reliability with the addition of a new power source to transmit power between New Jersey and New York City. 

An integral component of the project included system upgrades in northern New Jersey to reduce transmission constraints and improve power flow, especially during critical peak demand periods. With the addition of a more robust transmission system, the Hudson Transmission Project continues to provide a wider range of choices to support future energy needs.

The project also provided more than 200 construction jobs during its 24-month construction period as well as a substantial increase in property tax revenues for the Borough of Ridgefield, New Jersey.


Anbaric was one of three entities in partnership on the Hudson Transmission Project in addition to Hudson Power Ventures, LLC and Triton Partners, LLC. Powerbridge, LLC continues to be responsible for operation and management of the Project.


The route begins in Ridgefield, New Jersey, where a newly constructed converter station interconnects to a Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG) substation. The line follows existing railroad rights-of-way through an inactive railroad tunnel to the edge of the Hudson River in Edgewater. It is then buried beneath the Hudson for approximately three-and-a-half miles to a landfall point near Pier 92 in Manhattan. The final half-mile of cable is routed beneath the West Side Highway and ultimately into the Con Ed W. 49th Street Substation. The designed route is completely underground, ensuring zero visual impact.


The Hudson Transmission Project is entirely underground and underwater, using back-to-back high-voltage direct current (HVDC) technology and high-voltage alternating current (HVAC) transmission under the Hudson River.